
Anime Lyrics

Singable English

I've always wanted to write singable English lyrics to my favorite anime songs! There are so many talented people writing/singing these days, but... they tend to go for new and popular opening themes. Where's the 80s Gundam ZZ cover for Silent Voice...?

I'm not the greatest at writing, and I don't translate Japanese... I'm limited to songs translated via or from youtube videos. While not exactly a literal translation of the songs, I figured it's best if they have the overall same meaning, but fun to sing. Some will be subject to change if I figure out a phrase or stanza that's better. That being said, I hope you enjoy what I have so far.

If you want to use these lyrics for a cover please credit me via linking my caard!

I also listed lyrics that lead to other sites...
because if it was already written, then why not list it?
(I'm not rackin' my brain over something already wonderfully done!)

Make sure you check the lyricist's terms of agreement before doing a cover to post online.

A lot of links from other's lyrics leads to youtube covers. Very few lead to just lyrics.

Press "CTRL + F" to find a specific anime!

[Series] Title [Character][Lyricist]

An ellipses "..." indicates a pause for easier timing.

Rydia's Lyrics

Other's Lyrics