Petalburg Woods / Route 104 Joy #2 (Electric Boogaloo)

Location: Petalburg Woods / Route 104
Episode: AG 08 / 282: A Tail with a Twist
Occupation: Pokemon Nurse
Pokemon: Chansey 1x

Cap Color: Fern Green (#5D8D4D)
Hair: Light Coral (#D96F75)
Eyes: Indigo Dye (there were no close-ups of Joy's eyes) (#1F3E5B)
Personality: Standard<

Known Family:
Older sister
Odale Joy (older sister's 2nd cousin's 1st cousin's cousin)
Petalburg Woods / Route 104 Joy #1 (older sister's 2nd cousin's 1st cousin's cousin)


Once again traversing through Petalburg Woods, Ash and friends have a lunch break while introducing Ash's newly captured Treecko to the rest of the pokemon. While it's shy and prefers to hang out up high in a tree, it doesn't hesitate to save Torchic from a wild Seviper trying to eat it! But during the difficult battle Treecko is hurt badly by a direct Poison Tail attack and needs hospital assistance.

Brock says he thought he saw a Pokemon Center up ahead. Despite being in the same area as the previous Joy, it seems Petalburg Woods is a larger area then anticipated, requiring 2 Pokemon Centers!

Nurse Joy: "You fought a poison type with your grass type?"
May: *war flashbacks*

May questions if this Joy is the sister of Odale Joy. Many people ask that, but even Brock knows this Joy is the younger sister of the 2nd cousin of the Nurse Joy in Odale Town's 1st cousin! What's that mean in English you ask? This Joy shares great-grandparents with Odale Joy's cousin. Whoever that is?

Everyone that just read that sentence.

Joy gives great news: after resting a while longer Treecko will be released. Ash is relieved until Chansey runs by, explaining to Joy the situation with an oddly convincing Treecko impression.

Nurse Joy: "Oh my god, don't do that to your skull!"

Treecko escaped the hospital! Running outside, everyone including Joy and Chansey call out for Treecko until so and so sees some leftover bandages that Joy recognizes as Treecko's. Ash and friends head out over the hills on the search for Treecko while Joy and Chansey stay behind to watch over their other patients...


- Fav: Charades
- Dislikes: Escaped patients that jeopardize her job security