Old Shore Wharf Joy

Location: Old Shore Wharf
Movie: 01: Mewtwo Strikes Back
Occupation: Pokemon Nurse
Cap Color: #______
Personality: Standard
Age: ?
Hold on guys there's like... 4 things to watch and I've only had the dub muted on repeat to keep some light in the bedroom from the tv for multiple nights in a row and- yada yada yada
Oh my god there's a manga too!

Pokemon:Chansey (x6)Age: 20s
Known Family:
Granny Joy (grandmother)
Celadon Joy (aunt)
Leda (cousin)
Rena (cousin)
- Besides knowledge of pkmn biology, this Joy was picked out by Mewtwo because she subconciously reminded him of Amber
- Mother "disappeared" (Never say "die")
- Childhood friend of Amber Fuji
- 2 existential crisis, yikes...
- She's okay though, for the most part...
- Grandmother worries but Joy keeps her distance from the family
- "Life is wonderful!" she'd tell you that but she knows life sucks
- If Mewtwo actually vented about his clone blues this Joy would understand
- I'm convinced by fanfic that she drinks tea... it just makes sense!
- Being brainwashed + memory wiped does things to you
- Like nightmares in your sleep
- For better or worse she wants to feel useful and feels the need to follow someone... whoever that someone is!
- We all know it's Mewtwo but she doesn't
- Watching the Indigo League... "Wait, who's that boy with the hat and Pikachu...?" HOLY SHIT- "His Charizard is poorly trained!"
- Can she pleeeeease travel around and find Mewtwo??
- She needs a hug π
- Fav: Don't remember...?
- Dislikes: fIgHtInG!!1! but for real: alcohol, existential crisis