Ice Cave Joy

Location: Ice Cave (known as Ice Path in the games)
Episode: 250: The Ice Cave
Occupation: Pokemon Nurse, Refrigeration Technician, Accidental Swinub Breeder (?)
Pokemon: Jynx 1x, Swinub, Piloswine
Age (if applicable)
Cap Color: (#)
Hair: (#)
Eyes: (#)
Personality: Standard, Passionate
Known Family:
Orange Islands Joy aka Unnamed Island Joy aka Tanned(?) Joy aka Kayak Joy (elder sister)
Look, this page is a work-in-progress as you can see... but this episode is so much fun! I would've loved to have seen it as a kid! Even judging from watching the Japanese sub in what looks like it was ripped from a tape... It's just so fun to watch! I really love how the characters look in this episode and there are some fun animation moments!
What would 4Kids have named this episode if they actually changed Jynx's color from black to purple and it wasn't banned? Time to bust some rhymes and parody titles:
The Joy of Ice Pokemon
Of Ice and Men
Hazy Shade of Jynx
Baby, it's Jynx Outside!
Brock Hot and Cold
Brockin' Around the Fever Dream
Brockin' to the Ice Cave!
The Clan of the Ice Cave

- While people may argue whether the Orange Islands Joy was suntanned or born with naturally brown skin (it's implied that she is since she had brown skin even as a child)... it's still possible for her and the Ice Cave Joy to have the same parents despite the wild difference in skin color as siblings. Look it up! Genetics is weird but cool like that!- Whether you headcanon them as full or half sisters, Ice Cave Joy considers Orange Islands Joy a sister no matter what!
- They absolutely argued over the thermostat as kids though... :')
- Would probably buy ICE POKEMON x HELLO KITTY COLLAB plushies. If... that was a thing in the Pokemon world?
- OHHH, she absolutely whines in that cutesy way when Snow Top Joy tells her she has a real photo of a freakin' legendary ice pokemon like Articuno!
- Brock's fever dream? Yeah,
- I... Was that... Was that Brock's first kiss with Joy's Jynx?!?!
- Hates being called "fiery" or a "spitfire" or any variation. Even though it's technically accurate. Just because she's good at training her ice pokemon for battling doesn't make her a hothead! She's just passionate!
- Started out with two Swinub that grew into powerful Piloswine in love! ... Oh? Where'd all these eggs come from? ... THERE'S MORE?!
- Ice Cave Joy while visiting Snow Top Joy:
Ice Cave Joy: "Wow! I'm gonna climb this 90 degree ice mountain! It's a challenge! >:3c"
Snow Top Joy: "It's a death sentence. ಠ_ಠ"
- Fav: Ice Pokemon, cold temperatures
- Dislikes: Hot temperatures